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Pre-grade - Shadjam Practical: 1.Sarali varisai – (1 to 14) in 1st speed 2.Jantai varisai (1 to 9) in 1st speed 3.Lower stayi varisai – (1 to 5) in 1st speed 4.Upper stayi varisai – (1 to 5) in 1st speed 5.Slokas-5 6.Bajan Namavali – 5 Theory 1.Importance of Carnatic music 2.Basic terminologies in Carnatic music a)Nadam b)Sruti c)Talam d)Swaram e)Sapta swaras Theory questions: 1.Who is the father of Carnatic music? 2.Name the seven swaras of Carnatic music. 3.Name the raga in which the basic exercises are taught in Carnatic music, Hindustani music, western music. 4.What is the term for upper octave? 5.Name the branches of Indian music. 6.Indian music originated from which branch of the Vedas? 7.What is the term for sruthi in physics of music? 8.What is ACHALA Swaram? 9.What are the types of Swaram? 10. What is the term for a completion of one full cycle of the Talam? 11. What are the types of Nadam? 12. Human voice comes under which type of Nadam? 13. How many Aksharams are there in Adi talam? 14.What is the equivalent name for Mayamalavagoula in Hindustani music? 15. What is the basic unit of Talam called? 16. What is the other name for Aadhi talam? 17. Nishadam note is associated with which sound of the animal? 18. What are the Suddha swaras? 19.Which instrument is used to maintain the Sruthi in most Carnatic concerts?
GRADE 1 - Rishabam PRACTICAL 1.Sarali varisai – (1 to 14) in 2nd and 3rd speed 2.Jantai varisai – (1 to 9) in 2nd and 3rd speed 3.Lower stayi varisai – (1 to 5) 2nd and 3rd speed 4.Upper stayi varisai – (1 to 5) in 2nd and 3rd speed 5.Dhaatu varisai (1 & 2) in 1st and 2nd speed 6.Nottu swarams and Sahithyams of Muthuswami Dhikshitar -5 7.Thiruppavai -2 (optional) 8.Thiruppugazh – 2 (Optional) 9.Any prayer song – 1 THEORY 1.Angas of the tala 2.Swaras and Swarasthanas 3.Biography of Sri Purandaradasar 4.Seats of music 5.Biography of Andal Theory questions: 1.Name the Angas of an Adhi talam. 2.What is the Tala term for one beat and finger counts? 3.What is the Tala term for one beat and a turn? 4.Name the 12 Swarasthanas. 5.Why is Purandara dasa called the Pitamaha(father) of Carnatic music? 6.Andal is the only women composer given the status as one among the ------- 7.The Pasurams composed by Andal are called --------- 8.What are the works of Andal other than the Pasurams? 9.What is the term for R1, R2 in Hindustani music? 10. What are Purandara dasa’s compositions called? 11. Purandara dasa composed music in which language? 12. Andal’s pasuram are composed in which language? 13. What are the Swarasthanas of Mayamalavagoula? 14. Name some of the patrons of music. 15. What is the mudra of Muthuswami Dikshtar? 16. Give examples of Nottu swarams where you can find Muthuswamy Dikshitar’s mudra? 17. Nottu swarams come under which musical form? 18. From where did Muthuswamy Dikshitar derive the inspiration for composing the Nottu swarams? 19. Name the highest title awarded by the Tamil Nadu Government for artists? 20. Name a few Sabhas in Chennai that still uphold the concert tradition during the music season. 21. Based on which Anga sapta talas expand into 35 talas?
GRADE 2 - Gandharam PRACTICAL 1.Sarali varisai in shankarabaranam and Karaharapriya raga – (1st and 2nd speed) 2.Dhaatu varisai – (1 and 2) in 3rd speed 3.Sapta tala alangaram -1st and 2 speed 4.Geetham 5 – Malahari, Mohanam, Saveri, Kalyani, Kamboji 5.Jathiswaram – 2 (Tanjai Nalvar) any ragas 6.Thevaram -2 (optional) 7.Thiruppugazh -2 (optional) 8.Divyaprabandham -2 (optional) 9.National Integration song -1 (any Indian language) THEORY 1.Ragalakshanam of Malahari, Mohanam, Saveri, Kalyani, Kamboji 2.Arohanam and Avarohanam 3.Sthayi 4.Classification of instruments (string, wind and percussion) 5.Structure of Lakshiya geetham 6. Introduction about raga 7.Tala terms Theory questions: 1.What is the use of Arohanam and Avarohanam? 2.What are the Tamil terms for Arohanam and Avarohanam? 3.Recite the Arohanam and Avarohanam with Swarasthanas of Kalyani, Saveri, Kambodhi, Malahari. 4.How are the notes belonging to the middle, lower and higher octaves represented? 5.Name all the five octaves. 6.What is the Tamil term for middle, lower and higher octaves? 7.Name the Angas that features in Sapta tala alangaram? 8.Name a few wind instruments. 9.Magudi – is this a string instrument or Wind instrument or Percussion instrument? 10. Name the Sapta talas in a sequential order. 11. What are the other names for Lakshiya geethams? 12. Mention a Geetham which has the composer’s mudra. 13. Who is described in “Keraya nee ranu” Geetham? 14. Can you name the composer who has composed 1000 Geethams? 15. Geethams are a type of what? 16. The stanzas that feature in a Geethams are called? 17. What are the two main divisions under which a raga is categorized? 18. Before the concept of raga, which term prevailed? The raga scales were called? 19. Mention a Geetham which is rendered on Lord Rama? 20. What is the Talam you get if you add a Lagu to Rupaka talam? 21. Aadhi talam comes under which one out of the Sapta talas? 22. What is the equivalent name for the Ragams in Tamilisai? I.Pantuvarali II.Mayamalavagoula III.Shankarabaranam IV.Neelambari V.Sourashtram
GRADE 3 - Madhyamam PRACTICAL 1.Sarali varisai in Kalyani and Hemavathi raga 2.Sapta tala alangaram in 3rd speed and Akaram practice 3.Alangaram sung in chapu talas (tisra, kanda, misra) in different speeds 4.Swarajathi -2 5.Divyanama keeratana -2 (Sri Thyagarajar) 6.Utsava Sampradaya keertana – 2 (Sri Thyagarajar) 7.Badrachala Ramadasar -2 8.Devarnama 2 (Sri Purandaradasa) 9.Thrivarutpa -1 (Vallalar) 10. Ashtapathi -1 (Jayadeva) 11. Any Bharatiyar song -1 THEORY 1.Definition of Jathiswaram and Swarajathi 2.Accompaniments of vocal and instruments in concerts 3.Understanding of Notation symbols 4.Definition of Kriti and Keertanai Theory questions: 1.Explain the structure of Jathiswaram 2.Explain the structure of Swarajathi 3.Name some of the modern age composers of Kritis. 4.Which is a dance musical form Jathiswaram or Swarajathi? 5.Which composer gave Swarajathi the status of a concert musical form? 6.Mention some of the instruments that accompany a Carnatic vocal concert? 7.Mention some of the instruments that accompany a Sampradaya bhajan concert? 8.Name few “Upa- Paka vadyams” 9.Name the instruments that feature in a Periya Melam kutcherri. 10. Mention a few instruments that are played during the rituals in a temple? 11. Name the instruments that accompany a Hindustani vocal concert? 12. Name a few instruments that accompany a dance concert? 13. Give the name of the instrument that accompanies the whole concert as a drone. 14. What does the following symbols represent? a), (comma) - b); (semicolon) – c) | (vertical line) – d) || (double vertical line) – e) Ġġ a dot above the note – f)A dot below the note – g)Two dots above the note- h)Two dots below the note- i)– (hyphen) – j)O2 - k)I3 – l)I5 - 15. Mention the ornamental Angas that feature in a Kriti. 16. Who is the composer of Navagraha kritis, Kovur Pancharatnam, Mohanatarangini, Navaratri kritis? 17.Who is the composer of Utsava Sampradaya Keertanais? 18. Mention one difference between a Kriti and a Keertana. 19. If the Kriti starts before the tala starts then that Eduppu is called? 20. In Sri Tyagaraja Keeratanai the mudra of the composer is found in which part of the Keertanai? 21.What is the term for Kriti which has lyrics in different languages? 22.Who developed a notation system in Hindustani Music? 23.Name the instrument that accompanied Gnana Smabandar when he rendered the Tevaram? 24.Who was the pioneer in introducing the musical form kriti?
GRADE 4 - Panchamam PRACTICAL 1.Alangaram in any Audava and Shadava ragas 2.Tana varnam – Adi tala – (Mohanam, Shankarabaranam, Abogi, Hamsadwani) 3.The below Kritis should be in Adi tala and in Rupaka talam 1.Sri Thyagarajar krithi – in any 2 of the following ragas (Mohanam, Shankarabaranam, Abogi, Hamsadwani) 2.Sri Muthuswamy Dheekshitar in any 2 of the following ragas (Amirthavarshini, Kalyani, Suddha Saveri, Nattai) 3.Gopala Krishna bharati -2 4.Sadasiva Bramendral -2 5.Vedanayagam Pillai -2 6.Neelakanta Sivan -2 7.Annamachari -2 Devotional songs 8.Tarangam -2 9.Meera bajan -1 10. Kavadi chindu -1 THEORY 1.Definition of Poorvangam and Uthrangam 2.Introduction about ragas (72 melakartha) janya , varja, vakra, upanga, bhashanga 3.Musical forms in Carnatic music 4.Biography of Seergazhi moovar (Arunachal Kavirayar, Muthu Thandavar, Marimutha Pillai) Theory questions: 1.Who formulated the 72 Melakarta system? 2.What do you mean by Poorvangam and Utharangam in terms of varnam, saptaswaras ,72 melakartas and a pallavi? 3.Using which formula can we find the number of a Melakarta? 4.What are the other names for a Melakarta? 5.What are the qualities of a Melakarta ragam? 6.Ragas like Bairavi, Anandabairavi have all the seven notes. Are they a Melakarta ragam? If not, why? 7.What are the musical forms that are performed on a concert platform? 8.Mention the musical form that comes under both Abyasa gaanam and Sabha gaanam. 9.Mention the Musical forms that also comes under dance musical forms? 10.In which musical form Anupallavi can be sung first and then followed by Pallavi? 11. According to the 72 Melakarta scheme what are the names of Malavagoula, Thodi, Kalyani, Shankarabaranam and Pantuvarali. 12.Which Melakarta scheme was followed by Muthuswamy Dhikshitar ? 13. In 72 Melakarta scheme how many are Vivadi, Non- vivadi, Shuddha madhyama melas and Pratimadhyama melas. 14. What is the names of the Shuddha madhyama mela you get by changing the Pratimadhyamam of Salagam, Gavambodhi, Dhavalambari 15.What is the equivalent name for Melakarta in Hindustani music and how many are there in Hindustani Music 16.What are the types of Janya ragas? 17. What are the names for the different types of Varja ragas in Tamilisai and Carnatic Music: a)Ragas with 6 notes b)Ragas with 5 notes c)Ragas with 4 notes 18.Who were called the Seergazhi Moovar? 19. What was the name of the work composed by Arunachala Kavirayar? 20. Muthu Tandavar was famous for composing ________
GRADE 5 - Daivatham PRACTICAL 1.Tana Varnam in any Pratimadhyama ragas -2 2.Pada varnam -1 in any raga 3.Taru varnam – 1 in any raga 4.Ragamalika varnam -1 Keerthanaigal in following ragas with basic level Ragam and Kalpana swaram a)Shanmugapriya b)Simhendramadyam c)Pantuvarali d)Mayamalavagoula e)Hindolam f)Vasanta g)Kamas h)Arabi i)Keeravani Sri Thyagarajar Keertana -2 (Panchanathisar or Dharmasamvarthini 1 and any other one Sri Thyagarajar) Sri Muthuswamy Dhikshitar -2 Sri Shyama Sastri -2 Ambujam Krishna -2 Periyasami Thooran -2 Gana raga Pancharatnam -2 (Arabi & Gowlai) Gopala Krishna Bharati Pancharatnam -1 (Nattai, Gowlai, Arabi, Varali sri) Shayama Sastri Swarajathi -1 (Bairavi, Yadhukula kambothi, Todi) THEORY 1.Definition of tana Varnam, Pada varnam and Taru varnam 2.Life history of musical Trinities 3.Manodharma sangeetam 4.Dasavidha gamakam Theory questions: 1. Explain the structure of Tana varnam? 2. Explain the structure of Pada varnam 3.Explain the structure of Daru varnam? 4.Where is Daru varnam performed? 5.What Is the use of Daru varnam? 6.What are the ornamental Angas featuring in Muthuswamy Dikshitar’s kritis explain with examples. 7.Name the opera composed by Sri Thyagarajar. 8.Name the Kriti of Sri Thyagaraja where he mentioned about Purandara Dasa. 9.What are the exceptional aspects handled by Shyama sastri in his compositions? 10. What are the group Kritis composed by Sri Thyagaraja 11.Which musical aspects come under Manodharma sangeetam? 12. What are the sections of Raga alapana. 13. What are the different types of Tanam. 14. Mention the musical aspect of Manodharma Sangeetam which involves rhythm, melody and Sahitayam at the same time. 15. What is the format of a Pallavi singing. 16. What are the different methods adopted by the artist while singing Ragamalika kalpana swarams 17. Mention the ten types of Gamakas and their symbols. 18. Which are the musical forms handled by the trinities in a different way? 19. How are the style of the trinities described usually?
GRADE 6 Nishadham PRACTICAL 1.Tana varnam -1 Adi talam in Tisram + Akaram 2.Ada tala varnam -2 (in Shuddha madyama raga) Practice in the following Keertana raga and Kalpana swaras (Karaharapriya, Suddha dhanyasi, Thodi, Malayamarutham, Sriranjani, Saveri, Mohanam, Hindolam, Bilahari, Sahana, Kanada) in any talam 2 Kalai Keertana -2 any composer Sri Thyagarajar -2 (Thiruvotriyur Pancharatnam or Kovur Pancharatnam -1 and any one (Apoorva raga) Sri Muthuswamy Dhikshitar -2 Sri Shyama Sastri -2 Arunachala Kavirayar -2 Patnam Subramaniya Iyer -2 Swathi Thirunal -2 M.M. Dhandapani Desigar -1 Gana raga pancharatnam -1 Nattai
GRADE 7 - Raagam PRATICAL 1.Ata tala varnam -2 (in any Pratimadhyama raga) 2.Sri Thyagarajar keertana -2 Lalgudi Pancharatnam or Sri rangam -1 and any one apoorva raga 3.Muthuswami Dhikshitar -4 (any raga and any tala) a)Nava varnam -1 b)Nava graham -1 c)Panchabootham -1 d)Other Sri Shyama Sastri -2 Dasar Padam -2 Muthuthandavar -2 Gana raga pancharatnam -2 Other musical forms Padam -2 Javali -2 Thillana-2
GRADE 8 - Thaanam PRACTICAL 1.Sri thyagarajar keertana – Thirumalai 1 and any other Apoorva raga 1 2.Sri Muthuswami Dheekshitar -2 3.Vivadhi kriti -4 4.Subburaya sastri -1 5.Poochi srinivasa iyengar -1 6.Mysore vasudevachariyar -2 7.Oothukadu venkata subbaiyar -2 8.Papanasam sivan -2 9.Marimutha pillai -2 10.Navaratri kriti (swati thirunal) 1 11.Ragamalika -1 12.Lalgudi thillana -1 13. Niraval for above kritis 14. Introduction of RTP (Ragam Thalam Pallavi)
GRADE 9 - Pallavi PRATICAL Able to present a concert with accompaniments 1)2 Kalai Keertana with Ragam, Niraval, Kalpana swaram with Korvai Or 2)Manodharmam a)Ragam, Tanam, Pallavi b)Niraval 1st and 2nd speed c)Kalpana swaram d)Korvai in Kalpana swaram